السؤال اعلاه يدور ألان في اذهان كل المنشغلين بقضية شرق السودان فالاقليم الذي وقع اتفاق سلام في العام 2006 مع الحكومة ارتكزت معظم بنوده علي احداث التحول المطلوب في التنمية للاقليم وازالة جوانب التهميش التنموي وهو مادعي الحكومة الي انشاء صندوق اعمار شرق السودان الذي انشغل في عمل المدارس والمراكز الصحية واهتم باعمال هي من صميم واجب الدولة تجاه مواطنها وكنا نامل منه إن يركز علي( البشر) بدلا عن ( الحجر) ويترك واجبات انشاء البني التحتية للحكومة فهي المسؤلة عن ذلك ويدعم الصندوق انسان الشرق الذي صرح في شانه الدكتور مصطفي خلال زيارته لمدينة القضارف قائلا(نلوم انفسنا حينما ننظر لانسان الشرق)- صحيفة الرأي العام (1/9/2010) و كنا نامل ان ينفذ صندوق اعمار شرق السودان مشاريع الضمان الاجتماعي والكفالة للاسر الفقيرة والمرضي ويهتم بكفالة طلاب العلم ويسهم في دعم المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة ومحاربة الفقروالجهل والمرض بتوفير الضمان والرعاية الصحية والدواء وتوفير مياه نقية لشرب الانسان وكل الاعمال والبرامج التي تصل الي الانسان مباشرة ويستفيد منها اما مسالة انشاء قاعات وصالات للرياضة ومراكز للشباب وغيرها من الكماليات فهي لا تعني انسان الشرق في الوقت الحاضر ولا يستفيد منها وهي مشاريع للرفاهية لا تلامس حاجة الناس الفعلية وبالتالي هي ليست من اولوياتهم
فبعد مرور خمس سنوات من عمر الاتفاقية و الصندوق معا لم يكن هناك من داعي لتصريح الدكتور مصطفي الذي اعترف فيه بان حال انسان الشرق كما هو بل اذداد سؤا إن كان الصندوق قام بواجبه كماهو مطلوب وعلي اكمل وجه لما بدر مثل ذاك الاعتراف والتصريح من الدكتور مصطفي عثمان فالوم الذي قصده الدكتور يتحمله الصندوق والحكومة وجبهة شرق السودان.
اوردت صحيفة الشعب اون لاين الصينية بتاريخ (28/9/2010) الاتي
خاطب الأستاذ علي عثمان طه نائب الرئيس المجتمع الدولي مناشدا المناحين للمشاركة بفعالية في المؤتمر الدولي للمانحين مطلع ديسمبر المقبل الذي تستضيفه دولة الكويت وقال طه امام الجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة بأنه سعيا منها لتدعيم الاستقرار في اقاليم السودان المختلفة وازالة الأسباب التي قد تؤدي لنشوب النزاعات المسلحة توصلت الحكومة السودانية في العاصمة الارترية اسمرا عام 2006 الى اتفاق مع جبهة الشرق التي كانت تقود تمردا عسكريا في شرق البلاد تم بمقتضاه الاتفاق على مختلف الترتيبات التي أدت الى بسط الأمن والسلام في كل أنحاء الاقليم .
واضاف نائب الرئيس السوداني "ولتعزيز جهود الدولة لانفاذ الاتفاق سيعقد مؤتمر دولي لتنمية واعمار شرق السودان في اول ديسمبر المقبل ولقد وافقت دولة الكويت مشكورة على استضافته". واوضح طه انه سيشارك في المؤتمر كل من الصندوق الكويتي للتنمية الاقتصادية العربية والمصرف العربي للتنمية بالكويت وصندوق الأمم المتحدة الانمائي وبنك التنمية الاسلامي بجدة بالاضافة الى الحكومة السودانية ، مبينا ان المؤتمر سيركز على ثلاث محاور هي البنية الأساسية والخدمات والاستثمار.
وبالنظر الي العدد الضئيل من المشاركين الذين حددهم الأستاذ علي عثمان طه نائب الرئيس ومحاور المؤتمر(البنية التحتية والخدمات والاستثمار) وهذه المحاورالثلاث لاتعبرعن هموم انسان الشرق وهي قضايا تخص الحكومة فالخدمات والبني التحية مسؤلية الحكومة وكذلك الاستثمار اما انسان الشرق فهو يطلب إن يهتم المؤتمر باجندة واضحة واكثر دقة كالتي اوردناها مثل الضمان الاجتماعي وتوفير الدواء والغذاء ومياه الشرب والسكن والتعليم والحد من الفقروالجهل والمرض.
الدعوة للمؤتمر لم تاتي في وقت مناسب(بداية ديسمبر/2010) والعالم مشغول بقضية استفتاء جنوب السودان (9/1/2011) ولهذا لن يحظي المؤتمر بحضور وتغطية اعلامية مناسبة كما إن اجندة المؤتمر ومحاوره لم تتم بمشورة اهل الشرق وكان يجب عقد مؤتمر لاهل الشرق لاخذ رائهم ومعرفة ماهي مطالبهم ماذا يريدون من المؤتمر وماهي قضاياهم التي يجب إن تناقش مع المانحين حتي تاتي مخرجات المؤتمر منسجمة مع حاجيات اهل الاقليم ونحن نعتقد انه من الافضل إن يتم تاجيل هذا المؤتمر حتي تكتمل المشورة لاهل الشرق وحتي تكون الظروف الداخلية والدولية مناسبة لانعقاده حتي نضمن له قدرا اكبر من النجاح والدعم.
اما في حالة اصرار الحكومة علي عقده في هذا الوقت وبتلك المعطيات فانه لا محالة سيفشل وسيؤدي الي الاحباط وتنامي الغبن في الاقليم تجاه المركز والحكومة .
والله المستعان.
Will the donors conference for the Eastern Sudan in Kuwait ........???
The above question is taking place in the minds of all people engaged in the issue of eastern Sudan, The Territory, which signed a peace deal in 2006 with the government based most of its clauses on the change required in the development of the province and remove aspects of the marginalization of development is Madei the government to set up a fund reconstruction of eastern Sudan, which was busy in the work of schools and centers health care acts are at the heart of the State's duty towards their habitat and we hope him to focus on (humans) instead of (stone) and leave the duties of the establishment of infrastructure for the government mechanism of the Fund supports a man the Middle, who said on the matter, Dr. Mostafa during his visit to the city of Gedaref, saying ( we blame ourselves when we look for the man East) - newspaper public opinion (01/09/2010) and we hope that the UNDP is implementing a reconstruction of eastern Sudan, social security schemes and sponsorship of the families of the poor, the sick and takes care of ensuring that students of science and contribute to support small and medium enterprises and the fight against Alvkaroaljhl and disease by providing security and care health and medicine and provide clean water to drink human and all actions and programs that link to humans directly benefiting either the question of establishing the halls and galleries of Sport and youth centers and other luxuries they do not mean a man of the East in the present time does not benefit from the projects of well-being does not touch the need actual people and thus are not of their prioritiesAfter five years of the life of the Convention and the Fund together there was no need to permit Dr. Mustafa, who admitted it that if a man East as it is, but Azdad malignity that the Fund has done its duty for adjusting the required to the fullest what Badr such that the recognition and authorization of Dr. Mustafa Osman Valom which meant Dr. endures Fund, the government and the Eastern Sudan Front.Reported People's Daily Online China, dated (28.9.2010) the following
Addressing Mr. Ali Osman Taha, vice-president of the international community appealed Almenahin to participate effectively in the international donor conference early next December, hosted by the State of Kuwait, "said Taha told the General Assembly of the United Nations as an effort to strengthen stability in the provinces of Sudan, the various and remove the causes that may lead to the outbreak of armed conflict, the Government reached Sudanese in the Eritrean capital Asmara in 2006 to deal with the Eastern Front, which was leading a military rebellion in the east of the country in which the agreement was on the various arrangements that led to the extension of security and peace throughout the region.He said Sudanese Vice-President "and to strengthen the state's efforts to enforce the agreement will hold an international conference for the development and reconstruction of eastern Sudan in the first of next December and I have agreed to the State of Kuwait for hosting kindly." He said Taha that he will participate in the Conference of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and the Arab Bank for Development in Kuwait and the United Nations Development Fund and Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah, in addition to the Sudanese government, noting that the conference will focus on three themes: infrastructure, services and investment.Given the small number of participants who are designated by Mr. Ali Osman Taha, vice president and themes of the conference (infrastructure, services and investment) and this Mahoralthelat to Atabbaran worries of humans East they are issues for the government services are brown and greeting responsibility of government as well as investment either man East he asked that the focus of the Congress clear agenda and more accuracy, such as those we listed such as social security and the provision of medicine, food and drinking water, housing and education and the reduction of Alvkaroaljhl and disease.The invitation of the Conference did not come in time (beginning of December, 2010) and busy world the issue of referendum for southern Sudan (1/9/2011) and this would not enjoy the conference attended by the media coverage of appropriate and that the conference agenda and themes are not the advice of people of the East and the conference should be held for the people of the East to take behind them and find out what their demands What do they want from the conference and what are their issues that must be discussed with donors even come Output Conference in harmony with the needs of the people of the region and we believe that it is better to postpone the conference until complete advice to the people of the East and even the domestic and international conditions suitable for a cabinet meeting in order to ensure a greater degree of success and support.As in the case of the government's insistence on his contract at this time and these data, it will inevitably fail and will lead to frustration and the growing inequities in the region toward the center and the government.And God.
Will the donors conference for the Eastern Sudan in Kuwait ........???
The above question is taking place in the minds of all people engaged in the issue of eastern Sudan, The Territory, which signed a peace deal in 2006 with the government based most of its clauses on the change required in the development of the province and remove aspects of the marginalization of development is Madei the government to set up a fund reconstruction of eastern Sudan, which was busy in the work of schools and centers health care acts are at the heart of the State's duty towards their habitat and we hope him to focus on (humans) instead of (stone) and leave the duties of the establishment of infrastructure for the government mechanism of the Fund supports a man the Middle, who said on the matter, Dr. Mostafa during his visit to the city of Gedaref, saying ( we blame ourselves when we look for the man East) - newspaper public opinion (01/09/2010) and we hope that the UNDP is implementing a reconstruction of eastern Sudan, social security schemes and sponsorship of the families of the poor, the sick and takes care of ensuring that students of science and contribute to support small and medium enterprises and the fight against Alvkaroaljhl and disease by providing security and care health and medicine and provide clean water to drink human and all actions and programs that link to humans directly benefiting either the question of establishing the halls and galleries of Sport and youth centers and other luxuries they do not mean a man of the East in the present time does not benefit from the projects of well-being does not touch the need actual people and thus are not of their prioritiesAfter five years of the life of the Convention and the Fund together there was no need to permit Dr. Mustafa, who admitted it that if a man East as it is, but Azdad malignity that the Fund has done its duty for adjusting the required to the fullest what Badr such that the recognition and authorization of Dr. Mustafa Osman Valom which meant Dr. endures Fund, the government and the Eastern Sudan Front.Reported People's Daily Online China, dated (28.9.2010) the following
Addressing Mr. Ali Osman Taha, vice-president of the international community appealed Almenahin to participate effectively in the international donor conference early next December, hosted by the State of Kuwait, "said Taha told the General Assembly of the United Nations as an effort to strengthen stability in the provinces of Sudan, the various and remove the causes that may lead to the outbreak of armed conflict, the Government reached Sudanese in the Eritrean capital Asmara in 2006 to deal with the Eastern Front, which was leading a military rebellion in the east of the country in which the agreement was on the various arrangements that led to the extension of security and peace throughout the region.He said Sudanese Vice-President "and to strengthen the state's efforts to enforce the agreement will hold an international conference for the development and reconstruction of eastern Sudan in the first of next December and I have agreed to the State of Kuwait for hosting kindly." He said Taha that he will participate in the Conference of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and the Arab Bank for Development in Kuwait and the United Nations Development Fund and Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah, in addition to the Sudanese government, noting that the conference will focus on three themes: infrastructure, services and investment.Given the small number of participants who are designated by Mr. Ali Osman Taha, vice president and themes of the conference (infrastructure, services and investment) and this Mahoralthelat to Atabbaran worries of humans East they are issues for the government services are brown and greeting responsibility of government as well as investment either man East he asked that the focus of the Congress clear agenda and more accuracy, such as those we listed such as social security and the provision of medicine, food and drinking water, housing and education and the reduction of Alvkaroaljhl and disease.The invitation of the Conference did not come in time (beginning of December, 2010) and busy world the issue of referendum for southern Sudan (1/9/2011) and this would not enjoy the conference attended by the media coverage of appropriate and that the conference agenda and themes are not the advice of people of the East and the conference should be held for the people of the East to take behind them and find out what their demands What do they want from the conference and what are their issues that must be discussed with donors even come Output Conference in harmony with the needs of the people of the region and we believe that it is better to postpone the conference until complete advice to the people of the East and even the domestic and international conditions suitable for a cabinet meeting in order to ensure a greater degree of success and support.As in the case of the government's insistence on his contract at this time and these data, it will inevitably fail and will lead to frustration and the growing inequities in the region toward the center and the government.And God.
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